Ballooning costs in the for-sale housing market have served as an adrenaline shot for apartment demand, driving valuations up, but as inflation pummels the construction industry, the development pipeline still can’t keep
‘Rapid Repricing’: Higher Interest Rates Slow CRE Deals, But Many Investors Won’t Be Deterred

Real estate debt investors have been enjoying favorable economic conditions for the last few years. Despite the pandemic-fueled economic upheaval, money has been cheap and lately, conditions have been looking up
The Asset Classes Poised To Thrive As CRE Enters Recession ‘Danger Zone’: Moody’s

Income drivers for U.S. commercial and residential real estate were as strong as predicted in the first quarter of 2022, with multifamily and industrial doing particularly well — but the
Rents Rise Relentlessly but Slowly for Class-C Apartments

Affordability remains a concern among for class-B and class-C apartment stock around the United States. Apartment rents are rising explosively across the U.S. But at older, less-expensive properties, lower-income and moderate-income renters
Flashing Yellow Signs

The high rate of inflation and the Fed’s plans to raise interest rates could slow the commercial real estate sector’s momentum. While the U.S. commercial real estate sector continues to
Apartment Renters’ Shifted Amenities Preferences Are Likely to Last After COVID-19

During the pandemic, the kinds of amenities apartment renters looked for shifted. Outdoor spaces, reliable Internet connectivity and extra space for working all became “must haves” for some renters. And