The pandemic helped push about $146 billion of commercial real estate into distress or serious risk of bankruptcy last year, according to Real Capital Analytics. Bloomberg (Bloomberg)—Good news about vaccines
What the Permitted Use Clause Means Under COVID-19 Restrictions

While many commercial real estate insiders have focused on the force majeure clauses, there are other aspects of lease contracts that may come into play. Josh Migdal and Jordan Nadel
Biden’s Use of Fair Housing Act Could Open Doors for Development

Exclusive suburban areas can be held to account if their policies create places where housing is consistently too expensive for people protected by the law. Bendix Anderson A complicated federal
WMRE’s Common Area: What Automation Means for Logistics Real Estate

Melinda McLaughlin, Prologis’ vice president of research, comes on the show to dispel misconceptions about the increased adoption of technology in the logistics space. WMRE Staff In this episode, David
CBD Office Values Show Little Sign of Distress

Neither rents nor cap rates have fallen by much for office buildings in major gateway markets. Patricia Kirk While the timeline for a post-pandemic recovery in the office sector remains
How Real Estate Funds Should Market Investment Returns to Potential Investors

If a real estate entity or fund is able to take some uncertainty out of the investment process, they will have a competitive advantage. Philip DeRosa Given the current economic